It seems (parece) that Lux Mundi Champions League is back!!! Today, I saw 1st of Eso A playing against 1ºbachillerato. I wish everybody GOOD LUCK!! y que gane el mejor!!!!!!!!!
I included a survey(encuesta) so you can vote for the winner. Who will win??
*****This year (09-10) TEAMS******
2º Bachiller (Los cachalotes).
Dani Ruiz, Dani Sánchez, Tony Ortiz, Pedrote, Davilillo Prieto, Luís, Cristian.
Dani, Lalo, Sebas, Nico, Fran, Nacho.
Víctor, Edu, Juan, Rafa, Diego, Luís.
Pepo Delgado, Pepe Miranda, Carlos Prada, Migue Gracia, Borja, Sergio Valdeolmillos.
Fernando Sanchez, Alejandro González, Antonio Valadoós, Joselito Atienza, Carlitos Gómez, Victillor Arenas.
3º E.S.O B.
Blas, Sergio Molina, Fernando Vargas, Rafael Baca, Miguel Martínez, Jesús Palma.
2º E.S.O (The brothers).
Antonio Gómez, Joaquín Moral, Oscar Almendros, Javi Romero, Jesús Palma, Juan Barrios, Rubén García, Quique Abril.
1º E.S.O (Super Pollos F.C.).
Jorge, Nacho, Jose, Diego, Paco, Fran, Julio, Ernesto, Jeifri, Álvaro, Javier, Pablo.
1º E.S.O (Sevilla)
Arturo, Ángel, Oliver, J. Luís, Raúl, Carlos, Rafa, Paco, Samuel, Migue