Como actividad del tema 5, los alumnos escribieron un párrafo sobre como sería su colegio ideal. Algunas ideas son bastante curiosas!! Enhorabuena chicos por vuestro esfuerzo y no os preocupeis mucho por los errores que tengais pq estáis aprendiendo! Pero eso si! hay que aprender de los errores para no cometerlos otra vez!
"My ideal school is in Mars.The name of the director is Alfito. They only have classes on Monday,Wednesday, and Friday... Everyone eat in the school because these food is good..." By Loleta Delgado, 1ºEsoA
"My ideal school is with a hotel. I can sleep, ride in a horse, play PS3, Wii.Also I can eat while I´m in the Jacuzzi..."by Pablo Cubero 1ºEsoB
"What do you learn at this school? In my school you can learn quickly and very good, because the teachers teaches very well.....can study a lot of subjet, such as Maths,English,Science..." by Antonio Gómez 1ºEsoA
"I study at Lux Mundi School. In my school I have to study a lot because I want to be clever. In my ideal school we must study hard too... I want to have the uniform of the old students..." by Sara Freitas 1ºEsoB
" my ideal school you can play, but you don´t study. You can have mp3 and movil in the classes..."Written by Mª Díaz Ruiz 1ºEsoA
"You can go to the beach once a week in the school hours...this school has got 4 swimming pools and 10 parks..."MªSerrano 1ºEsoA
"My happy happy school. My happy school is very happy. Students play truant, they don´t go to school, but I text messages to parent´s mobile phones... Parents read the messages..." by Oscar Almendros 1ºEsoA
"My ideal school is perfect because you don´t have exams!! In my ideal school when you are boring, you can go to the Funny Room.... has got computers, play stations, and you can wear ordinary clothes..." by Jesús Palma 1ºEsoA
" ideal school is fantastic because you have to play every day and you must has one PSP and one Wii...The Triplete Cosmico school is very different from Lux Mundi" by Rafael Baca 1ºEsoB
Hola muchos saludos a todos y hos quiero muchho pero hos pediria el favor que hos riais de lo que puse en mi redaccion del colegio ideal hay Mr.garcia ya ta vale.
ResponderEliminarjajjajjajaj muchos besos buen puente
by rafass
Jaja muy buenas las frases sobretodo la de rafa.....!!!
ResponderEliminaroie yo soy de 2 eso y keria proponerte una kosita jyjy...weno me dejo de rollos ya ke estamos podrias poner tambien los examenes ke nos vas a poner nooo??