jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Assistant teacher says Goodbye - We´ll miss you Carsta ;o)

Hello everyone,

My name is Carsta Schulze. I live in Potsdam, Germany and study English and Spanish philology at the University of Potsdam to become a teacher for secondary schools. Potsdam is a beautiful town, which is situated near Berlin counts about 160.000 inhabitants. In order to improve my Spanish language skills, gain work experience, and get familiar with the Spanish school system I applied for an internship at Lux Mundi School.
For the last five weeks I have now been doing an internship at Lux Mundi and I have to admit that it has been an incredible experience for me so far. Since my first school day I have immediately felt integrated. Mostly, I assist during Alejandro Molina’s or Álvaro García’s English classes, but they have also given me the opportunity to teach some classes on my own. Due to the students’ active participation, good behavior, and interest in the subject it has been a pleasure to teach them. On Mondays and Wednesdays I usually attend the German classes and help the students to improve their German language skills. Even though I spend most of the time with the English Department in secondary school, I regularly practice with the primary school students for the KET exam and listening comprehension.
Carsta Schulze
One of my highlights was when we went to Granada to see the theater play “Frankenstein”.  I enjoyed it very much and from a teacher’s point of you I can say that it was easily comprehensible and entertaining due to lots of funny scenes and the musical performance.
If I had to describe the school with two words, I would say that it is tolerant and welcoming because I was welcomed very
Carsta with Diego, Samuel, Mané y Valeria (2nd Bach - Science)
warmly and accepted by both the students and the teachers. I enjoy coming to this school every day and when walking along the hall both the students and the teachers always greet me enthusiastically and smile at me, which makes my day.

Thank you all for making my stay so enjoyable and unforgettable!

I will miss you!


miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Sadness - Tristeza por los fallecidos en el vuelo de Barcelona-Dusseldorf

Como estudiantes y profesor de Intercambio que viajamos a otros paises estamos muy entristecidos y en shock por el accidente aéreo. Queremos transmitir nuestro afecto y condolencias mas sinceras a los 16 alumnos alemanes, 2 profesoras (Joseph-Koenig School in Haltern) y demás fallecidos españoles, franceses y turcos del vuelo de Germanwings. Alumnos del Colegio Lux Mundi hemos rezado por ellos y sus familias y queremos acompañaros en vuestro dolor desde Granada-Spain.
All of our thoughts and prayers for those 16 students, 2 teachers and passengers of Germanwings flight.
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler des Colegio Lux Mundi beten für euch und eure Familien und wir begleiten und teilen euren Schmerz aus Granada, Spanien. 
Unsere Gedanken und Gebete richten sich an die 16 Schülerinnen und Schüler und die 2 Lehrer des Fluges von Germanwings.
Carsta Schulze, teacher assistant from Germany
Alvaro García Pelegrina, teacher (Colegio Lux Mundi-Spain)
Students praying before 1st period class today

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Causative Case - Have/Get+Sth+PastParticiple

My parents are having the walls painted

We use "have / get + object + past participle (-ed / 3rd C IrrVbs)" when we arrange for someone else to do a service for us. If we want to identify the person doing the service, we use "BY ...." (by Peter).

My parents are going to have the house painted
Have you had your computer repaired yet?
I want to get my hair cut this afternoon.
I'm getting my hair cut!! WOW!
My mobile crashed yesterday, so I had it checked. ( Se me colgó el movil ayer, asi que hice que lo miraran/comprobaran)

In summary, "Expresan acciones que se encargan a alguien o que las hacen por ti". Tiene un poco de sentido pasivo ya que el sustantivo que va en medio recibe la acción del verbo que va en participio, pero se suele traducir en voz activa. GET es más informal que HAVE por lo que su uso en la calle o por la gente es más común.

Shall we practice some sentences?: Click on the following link:

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

CONDITIONALS - Condicionales

long forms short/contracted forms
I + If I study, I will pass the exam. If I study, I'll pass the exam.
- If Sue studies, she will not fail the exam.
If I do not study, I will fail the exam.
If Sue studies, she won't fail the exam.
If I don't study, I'll fail the exam.
II + If he studied, he would pass the exam. If he studied, He'd pass the exam.
- If Sue studied, she would not fail the exam.
If it did not rain, I would go to the beach.
If Sue studied, she wouldn't fail the exam.
If it didn't rain, I'd go to the beach.
III + If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. If I'd studied, I'd have passed the exam.
- If I had studied, I would not have failed the exam.
If I had not studied, I would have failed the exam.
If I'd studied, I wouldn't have failed the exam.
If I hadn't studied, I'd have failed the exam.

"0" Conditional   - (something that always happens) - Verbs are in the Present Tense.
         +  If you burn the toast, it smells horrible.               - - - - -
         -   If I do not water the plants, they die.               If I don't water the plants, they die.

                              USES                                                             SUMMARY
0 - Always happens - Scientific facts                               -          IF + vb present, vb present
I  - A general truth, we don't know for sure. Future          -          IF + vb present, will_____
II - Imagine "what would happen if..."- Presente Subj Esp      - IF + vb past simp, would____
III - Refer to past-impossible to change                                   - IF + vb past perfect, would have ___
- IF I was  WERE you, I would visit your grandmother. (2nd conditional) (WERE todas las personas)
- UNLESS (IF not- A menos que/ si no /a no ser que...)

Shall we try some exercises?:  Click on the links :   EGO4U - Conditionals (1st)   
(1st & 2nd) Conditionals  
(1st, 2nd and 3rd) Conditionals

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

Acierta con mi cole.es : Colegio Lux Mundi - Granada

Un aspecto esencial en la evolución de un niño/a es la elección de su Colegio. Es calidad, tradición, educar en valores y es una libertad que todo alumno debería tener.
http://www.aciertaconmicole.es/directorio-de-centros-en-granada/#cbp=http://www.aciertaconmicole.es/cubeportfolio/lux-mundi/Estamos convencidos de que la tarea educativa es una vocación, por tanto nos dedicamos por entero a ella desde 1978.
    · El sentirnos unidos e inmersos en un proyecto común nos anima a luchar por nuestros fines.
    · Trabajamos con espíritu de equipo. Nadie puede nada solo, por eso es necesaria la colaboración entre todos los estamentos que integramos el Colegio: dirección, profesores, padres, alumnos, personal administrativo, y no docente.
    · Somos Colegio Cambridge - "Cambridge School" tanto en preparación durante el horario escolar como centro examinador autorizado.
    · El centro de nuestra acción educativa es sin duda el alumno que ha de formarse y desarrollarse en todos los niveles: físico, intelectual, moral, social, religioso, idiomas... hasta alcanzar su plena responsabilidad. Siendo siempre conscientes de que deben tomar sus decisiones partiendo de una libertad responsable que los pone al servicio de los demás.
Miremos al futuro, eligiendo un Colegio con garantías que inculque en nuestros alumnos los mejores valores y la mejor preparación.


domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

Club Deportivo del Lux Mundi en FACEBOOK

¡Nuevas Novedades!
Tenemos muchas de las actividades deportivas  en  FACEBOOK !!

Hazte FAN!! y si tienes alguna foto que quieras incluir habla con el profesor Moisés.


Intercambio en UK - Tettenhall College - ¿Quiéres visitarles?

Nuestros alumnos del Colegio Lux Mundi están este año de Intercambio en Birmingham (Inglaterra).
Lo están pasando genial en regimen de estancia en residencia en donde están conociendo y relacionándose con alumnos ingleses. Por las mañanas asisten a clase como cualquier alumno y por las tardes tienen actividades y visitas culturales.
¿Quieres visitarles?
Entra en su BLOG!!

No sólo nos tenemos intercambios con Inglaterra. El próximo curso nos vamos de Intercambio a Seattle (USA) al Colegio "The Overlake School".